A Look into the IEEE Engineering Ethics
For some time the EMCC has been concerned that university engineering programs have not been giving appropriate visibility to ethics education in the engineering curriculum. To address this issue, the EMCC has produced a 45-minute video that can be used in university electrical and computer…
IEEE European Public Policy Webinar on Artificial Intelligence
On 30 June (16:00 CEST), the IEEE’s European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) is hosting a public policy webinar exploring the EU approach to artificial intelligence, including possible roles and implications for the technology community in light of the European Commission’s new legal framework for AI….
Join us during the Rejuvenated Region 8 2021 Spring Meeting Series!
This week, IEEE Region 8 has started its re-imagined 2021 Spring Meeting Series, which will include the 116th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting as well. These meetings used to be held in-person twice per year to discuss the Region 8 strategy, operations, affairs, and to…
IEEE Day Badge now available on IEEE Collabratec
The badge will be available throughout the month of October. Plus, discover special IEEE Day Offers IEEE Day is right at the corner for 2020, and today one new badge on IEEE Collabratec is launched to enhance even more the excitement for this different IEEE…
A different IEEE Day 2020
Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow IEEE Day is celebrated every year on the first Tuesday of October. For 2020 this is happening on October 6th. During this day we celebrate the first gathering in history when engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share…
IEEE Region 8 Virtual Student & Young Professionals Congress 2020
IEEE R8 Virtual Student & Young Professionals Congress will be held from 14th to 26th of September 2020 in a hybrid format with 3 hours of daily content. The IEEE Region 8 SYP Congress is an event of great tradition and perhaps the most expected…
Wireless AI: A New Sixth Sense to Deciphering our World
A lot of questions are born talking about technology and its adaptation to our live, especially when it comes to 5G and IoT. What smart impact will future 5G and IoT bring to our lives? Many may wonder, and even speculate, but do we really…
Renewable Energy and Energy Storage: Targets, Benefits, and Challenges
The upcoming webinar of IEEE Iran Section focuses on renewable energy Following the Engineering the Future in the post-COVID era as the first topic of this collaborative webinar series with UAE and Oman sections, but also The Smart City Building Blocks and Their Synergy with…
The Smart City Building Blocks and Their Synergy with Smart Villages
IEEE Iran Section continues its webinar series, examining the smart city building blocks and their synergy with smart villages. The webinar series is free, co-organized with the IEEE Sections of UAE and Oman, and is open to anyone to register. Additionally, the option of a…
IEEE Iran section co-organize a series of public webinars with the IEEE UAE and Oman sections
Engineering the Future in the post-COVID era, is the first session New opportunities of learning are inspired during this life-changing period COVID-19 has put everyone in. Webinars have become the new favorite and most engaged way of learning for most, if not for every IEEE…
Registration Opens for the 7th IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference Virtual Edition
Smart Village’s global community will be sharing the lessons that it has learned through the 10 year initiative. It will also figure out new solutions to overcome challenges faced. What is PowerAfrica Conference? The IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference is a premier conference that provides an…
ANE and IEEE are organizing a hackathon on Ethical dilemmas in AI
A two-days hackathon on “Ethical dilemmas in AI” is organized by the Association of Nordic Engineers (ANE), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (IEEE) inviting members and experts to voice their opinion and influence the development of responsible AI. The event will be…
Hybrid Meetings of IEEE Region 8 restores the interests among each OU
Engaging local small groups events to re-activate the membership The lockdown due to COVID-19 has affected IEEE Region 8, as the activities we used to have couldn’t be held. No face-to-face meetings of any kind were allowed in most countries of Region 8, leading to…
Pursue your passion while giving back to your community
The ISV New Talents Program supports talented individuals, who aspire to become Smart Village Entrepreneurs and Developers working to provide electricity in the most vulnerable communities in the world. What is IEEE Smart Village (ISV)? The IEEE Smart Village (ISV) initiative is a flagship…
One-of-a-kind Symposium : GEO-SPATIAL DAY
The “GEO-SPATIAL DAY” is a symposium on GEO-EDUCATION AND GEO-SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT. It was organized by IEEE INSAT IAS SBC in partnership with AGEOS; the African Association of Geo-spatial Development. IEEE IAS INSAT SBC believes in being open to the national scientific associations ecosystem. Therefore they…
Status Update for the IEEE Portugal Section Blockchain Working Group
The IEEE Blockchain Initiative Co-Chair, Ramesh Ramadoss, visited the IEEE Portugal Section By Catarina Reis On the 21st of February of 2020, the IEEE Portugal Section welcomed Ramesh Ramadoss, co-Chair of the IEEE Blockchain Initiative, for a status update meeting. The meeting took place at the Instituto…
The 5 flagship conferences of IEEE Region 8
Discover the opportunities of IEEE Region 8 flagship Conferences IEEE sponsors more than 1,900 annual conferences and events worldwide, curating cutting-edge content for all of the technical fields of interest within IEEE. Providing the right forum for authors and speakers to present their work at…
Riyeda 2020: Signed Collaboration with IEEE Tunisia Section
Riyeda 2020 is an impressive entrepreneurship fair to popularize the entrepreneurial spirit among young people Riyeda 2020 is the 7th edition of entrepreneurship fair organized by TPM (Tunisia SA Market Place) on the 12th and 13th of February 2020 at “city of culture MedV” Avenue…
Getting closer with industry with industrial visits in Zaghouan Governorate
IEEE IAS INSAT SBC shows the way on how to link the theory with real procedures within the professional world with industrial visits in Zaghouan Governorate As the first semester of the academic year ends, and another commences, the IEEE Industry Applications Society National Institute…
A blowing edition of TSYP
More than 1000 attendees participated at the 7th edition of the Tunisian Students and Young Professionals Congress What’s TSYP? The TSYP is the abbreviation of “Tunisian Students and Young Professionals”. It’s the annual congress for the IEEE student and young professionals in Tunisia. TSYP is…