Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit
On 27 November the eyes of the tech world will focus on Warsaw, which will host an international congress for women in technology, the “Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit.” The biggest event in Europe intended for women in the IT and TECH industry will be…
How we celebrated IEEE DAY in Tunisia Section?
As we know, the IEEE DAY is an annual action celebrating the first time in history when engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. For this year, celebrations are planned from the 1st till the 14th of October 2018. So, how we…
IEEE ENIS SB marks on Technology & Innovation Salon
The IEEE ENIS Student Branch was established on April 1st, 2009. It focuses on extending the educational and technical experience of students in computer science engineering and electrical engineering. On the 26th of September 2018, IEEE ENIS Student Branch and Tunisia Section joined the amazing…
Jordan Students and Young Professionals Congress (JSYP) 2018
The Congress The IEEE Jordan Students and Young Professionals Congress – JSYP is the largest student event in Jordan. It occurs yearly and gathers both students and young professionals members from all of the Jordan Section. The first edition was held in 2012, and the…
IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Educators Training Workshop
IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Section hosted three training workshops for Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Educator on October 9th, 2018. The event was organized by IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Section in collaboration with International Technical College at Jeddah – LAUREATE. IEEE volunteers were Dr. Samy Ghania, Associate Professor…
IEEE ComSoc Turkey organized the most popular activity of the year
IEEE ComSoc Turkey brought together students, academics and professionals IEEE Communication Society founded in 1952 with the formation of IRE’s (the Institute of Radio Engineers) Professional Group on Communications Systems (PGCS), IEEE Communications Society has evolved into a diverse group of global industry professionals with a…
Disruptive Technologies: Women Speakers Series
Under the theme, Lead beyond: Accelerating innovative women who change the world, we are glad to announce Women speaker series – WSS that will be held every last Saturday of the month at RIT Dubai – Rochester Institute of Technology from 4-6:30 pm. The speaker series will…
Take the lead, be the example
“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” Dalai Lama The IEEE ENET’Com Student Branch is growing in good standards. Starting by the huge effort they did in the recruitment of new members which never ends. This Student Branch…
IEEE Standards Association Summit 2018 held in Turkey
The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) was hosted by the IEEE Turkey Section focused on two great events – the IEEE Standards Summit in Istanbul, and the Electronic Communications Standards Summit in Ankara. IEEE Standards Association Technology is part of our life, from our smartphones and…
A SYP 2018 Review
6:00 o clock on a Wednesday morning in Athens Airport. I was so excited to fly to Porto in order to share my experiences and knowledge with IEEE Students and Young Professionals from all over Region 8. You see, this year, the funded participants of…
Lead beyond borders
Did you heard about the Women In Engineering International Leadership Summit first edition in Tunisia? If not, you missed a lot. I attended this leadership summit because I was curious about its rich program and the themes of the workshops were so interesting. I had…
Queueing Theory and its Applications Workshop
The College of Engineering in Al Ain University of Science and Technology – Abu Dhabi and Al Ain Campuses, organized a workshop entitled “Queueing Theory and its Applications”, in conjunction with the IEEE UAE Section, IEEE UAE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society – MTT-S, Instrumentation…
The Engineering of the Human Joint – Advances in Orthopedics Research and Computer Navigation
The College of Engineering and Information Technology – CEIT at Al Ain University of Science and Technology –Al Ain Campus; in conjunction with the IEEE UAE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society – MTT-S, Instrumentation and Measurement Society – IM-S Joint Chapter; and the IEEE Al…
IEEE Western Saudi Arabia section in R8 Student and Young Professional Congress
IEEE WSA section IEEE WSA is the IEEE section in the Western Saudi Arabia geographic region. It is responsible for all the student branches within this region. IEEE WSA in 2018 R8 SYP Congress IEEE WSA section has participated in Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress…
Video Games and Modern Video Systems Seminar
The College of Engineering and Information Technology at Al Ain University of Science and Technology in conjunction with IEEE UAE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), Instrumentation & Measurement Society (IM-S) Joint Chapter, and IEEE Al Ain University Student Branch, organized an IEEE Administrative Meeting…
IEEE Africa Council’s Inaugural Meeting
It came to my attention that during the IEEE Future Innovations Summit in Tunisia, the 1st IEEE Africa Council meeting was held. It is a very fortunate and interesting event, so I asked Africa Council’s chair, Gloria Chukwudebe, for more information about it. She gladly responded…
LabVIEW Workshop in Al Ain University
In the framework of the keenness of Al Ain University of Science and Technology (AAU) on the students and their interests in the latest technologies, the College of Engineering and IT (CEIT) at AAU, has organized, in conjunction with the IEEE UAE MTT & IM…
What’s in Store at Upcoming IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professionals Congress
Organizers give a preview of the July event in Portugal At this year’s IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professionals Congress, to be held from 25 to 29 July, participants will learn more about IEEE programs, get career advice, and hear about some of today’s hot technologies. The biennial…
IEEE SS12: Age of Innovation Competition in University of Sharjah
The IEEE SS12: Age of Innovation Competition has been organized by the University of Sharjah’s OpenUAE Research Group at the Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering. Dr. Qassim Nasir and Dr. Manar Abu Talib in collaboration with the IEEE UAE Section are welcomed a number of…
IEEE UAE Student Day is as annual event organized by IEEE UAE Section for all engineering students in the country. The main objectives of this day are to enhance the culture of competition among engineering students in the different universities among UAE, to recognize outstanding…