The role of Action for Industry (AfI) in Africa
Action for Industry (AfI) in Africa helps to strengthen industry activities in African sections. Why Action for Industry? There is a distinctive drop in the number of IEEE members during the transition from student membership to young professionals. Why is this the case? One of…
How Much Do You Know About IEEE Smart Village Empowering Off-Grid Communities?
According to the Energy Access Outlook 2017, an estimated 1.4 billion people live without electricity. What is the Current State of Electrification? The truth of the matter is many communities in the world are living without power. Despite the efforts being made globally by governments,…
Fraudulent email scams targeting IEEE members
IEEE Region 8 notice of such incidents Recently, a message from Stephen Welby, the IEEE Executive director, was sent to IEEE members, in order to inform about fraudulent email scams targeting IEEE members. The email is under the title “Important Message to All IEEE Members”….
IEEE Expands Open Access Journal Offerings
Announces 14 new journals covering various technologies including biomedical engineering, computing, telecommunications, and more IEEE is providing more high-quality publishing options for authors and researchers. It is launching 14 gold fully open access journals. The 14 new gold open access publications will cover topics such as automotive technology,…
IEEE Updates its Statement and Lifts Restriction from Huawei Employees
IEEE Lifts Restrictions on Editorial and Peer Review Activities Big news happened after IEEE banning Huawei employees from being reviewers or editors for its peer-review process. In a first announcement IEEE had said that “Compliance with U.S. Trade Restrictions Should have Minimal Impact on IEEE…
IEEE: Trade Restrictions Should have Minimal Impact on IEEE Members
“Compliance with U.S. Trade Restrictions Should have Minimal Impact on IEEE Members Around the World” – Read the full statement by IEEE The article below was published at Techcrunch The IEEE’s ban on Huawei following new trade restrictions in the United States has sent shock…
2019 IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards
Celebrating Brilliant Minds and a Bright Future! IEEE is widely known for its contribution in technology development and science progress. However it also has a great impact in the educational field. IEEE offers a wide range of learning and career-enhancement opportunities within the engineering sciences,…
New Resource Makes Submitting Research Articles to IEEE Conferences Easier
The Author Center has added a section that details all the steps The IEEE Author Center recently added a conference section for people who want to publish their work at an IEEE conference. The new section provides best practices and guidance as well as tips and tools. Submitting a…
Creativity in the work environment
A Workshop by Prof. Hafidh S. AlSamarrai at the Big 5 Saudi ABOUT THE BIG 5 SAUDI The Big 5 Saudi is one of the most important construction events in the Middle East. It gathers construction expertise into one place for four days of research,…
Leadership: Women Speaker Series 3
Continuing of the Women Speakers Series was initiated by RIT Dubai – Rochester Institute of Technology, the third session was hold on Tuesday 26th February 2019 under the theme of Leadership in celebration of International Women’s Day. The first session can be accessed through: Disruptive Technologies: Women Speakers…
Data Science and Blockchain Workshop
New competencies risen In alignment with UAE vision 2021 and Abu Dhabi vision 2030, College of Engineering (CoE) at Al Ain University of Science and Technology (AAU) –Abu Dhabi Campus- organized and conducted a workshop entitled “Data Science and Blockchain” for students and faculty on…
Site Visit to “Advanced Electronics Company”
Prof Khalid AL Nabulsi has organized with the IEEE student branch at King Abdulaziz university a visit to Advanced electronic company in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The main purpose of this visit is to make students take a deep good look about level of electronics communications devices…
2018 IEEE UAE Section Annual General Meeting
IEEE UAE Section has hold the 2018 Annual General Meeting on Saturday 24th November 2018 in presence of the Executive Committee members, IEEE and Student members. At the beginning, the IEEE UAE Section chair – Dr. Essa Basaeed has presented the accomplishments of the section…
2018 IEEE Data Science Seminar
Introduction The 2018 IEEE Data Science Seminar is a new workshop that aims to bring together researchers in academia and industry to share the most recent and exciting advances in data science theory and applications. In particular, the event will gather researchers and practitioners in various…
Innovation and Entrepreneurship : Women Speakers Series 2
Continuing of the Women Speakers Series was initiated by RIT Dubai – Rochester Institute of Technology, the second session was hold on the last Saturday of October, i.e. 27th October 2018 under the theme of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The first session can be accessed through: Disruptive Technologies: Women Speakers…
IEEE Standards Association Networking Dinner and Cocktail Nairobi, Kenya
IEEE Kenya was proud to host the IEEE Standards Association. The forum comprised of students, young professionals and industry experts. They had gathered to learn and share more about the IEEE Standards Association. It was a lovely evening as the attendees gathered at the Intercontinental…
Jordan Students and Young Professionals Congress (JSYP) 2018
The Congress The IEEE Jordan Students and Young Professionals Congress – JSYP is the largest student event in Jordan. It occurs yearly and gathers both students and young professionals members from all of the Jordan Section. The first edition was held in 2012, and the…
IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Educators Training Workshop
IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Section hosted three training workshops for Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Educator on October 9th, 2018. The event was organized by IEEE Western Saudi Arabia Section in collaboration with International Technical College at Jeddah – LAUREATE. IEEE volunteers were Dr. Samy Ghania, Associate Professor…
Disruptive Technologies: Women Speakers Series
Under the theme, Lead beyond: Accelerating innovative women who change the world, we are glad to announce Women speaker series – WSS that will be held every last Saturday of the month at RIT Dubai – Rochester Institute of Technology from 4-6:30 pm. The speaker series will…
Show your mobile application development skills with IEEE madC
Lee Crudgington IEEE UK and Ireland Student Activities | IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee | IEEEmadC The application deadline for this annual mobile application development competition IEEE madC 2018 is on October 10th. 2017 was a hugely successful year for the IEEEmadCprogramme, an annual mobile application development…