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Category: Forthcoming Events

Forthcoming Events

The Tunisian Engineering Day 2019 

A celebration that reunites all the Tunisian engineers Young and professionals that look forward to making the world a better place What’s Tunisian Engineering Day? The Tunisian Engineering Day is an annual meeting where engineering students as well as professionals from different fields gather to…

Forthcoming Events

Leadership: Women Speaker Series 3 

Continuing of the Women Speakers Series was initiated by RIT Dubai – Rochester Institute of Technology, the third session was hold on Tuesday 26th February 2019 under the theme of Leadership in celebration of International Women’s Day. The first session can be accessed through: Disruptive Technologies: Women Speakers…

Forthcoming Events

2018 IEEE Data Science Seminar 

Introduction The 2018 IEEE Data Science Seminar is a new workshop that aims to bring together researchers in academia and industry to share the most recent and exciting advances in data science theory and applications. In particular, the event will gather researchers and practitioners in various…