A celebration that reunites all the Tunisian engineers Young and professionals that look forward to making the world a better place
What’s Tunisian Engineering Day?
The Tunisian Engineering Day is an annual meeting where engineering students as well as professionals from different fields gather to share stories, offer advice and most importantly learn more about diverse topics. TunED goes beyond the concept of events, it’s a celebration that reunites all the Tunisian engineers Young and professionals that look forward to making the world a better place. This occasion aims to promote the engineering field which is, indeed, the keystone of development.
The Past edition gathered more than 400 participants from different engineering schools, and hosted the Assistant Professor of Computer Security Mrs. Ines Ben Youssef, technical Manager at Wallyscar Mr. Raouf Mattoussi, Mrs. Insaf Cherif, The Chief Blockchain officer at TALAN Mrs. Imen Ayari, the IEEE ENIT SB’s Founder Mr. Jalel Ezzine and Mr. Hbib Kamoun IEEE Tunisia Section Past-Chair, parallel to CEOs from various companies, enterprises and high-qualified speakers.
The flagship event TunED, organized by “IEEE ENIT STUDENT BRANCH”, has uncountable impacts on the growth mindset in young engineers. It aims to increase awarness of the importance of their field of studies and activities. Besides, It sparks interest in being part of the prosperity of Tunisia.
You can find more details on the event website: www.tuned.ieee.tn .

“IEEE ENIT STUDENT BRANCH” was formed on April 01, 2009 and organized several successful events such as TSYP 2014 and TSYP 2017. Also It was the winner of various awards like IEEE R8 Exemplary Student Branch Award on 2012-2013.
What made this edition a special one?

Offering conferences focusing on various topics like : 5G by the honorable guest “YANG LUO LI”.
In addition, the program included a round table discussion on the topic of “How engineering is revolutionizing the healthcare industry” , but also parallel workshops, such as : Emotional Intelligence/ How to pass a work interview/ Artificial Intelligence / Becoming Engineer in 2022.
For this edition, every student branch has assigned an ambassador to promote for TunED. Besides to the ambassador strategy, a booth was set in multiple universities. More than 300 engineers from different backgrounds attended TunED 2019. It was a huge assembly allowing for each attendee to network and to learn new skills.

Obviously , the special part of this year’s program was the “Kinder Care” a social entrepreneurship competition.
“An engineer is always linked to the entrepreneur aspect. So this year,each team needs to integrate the enterprise ! The purpose of this enterprise is to target the children and find a way to help them overcome their problems and make their life easier through our technical skills and why not mix it with an artistic touch ! In order to make that happen we will be looking for an innovative solution to realize this social impact.”
TOP 3 winners
- Roboteenz team: Electonic card and components with sticks. Kids will use it to make a model.They can program it using a graphic interface.
- Eco’Arts team: Build a place,ecological and economically sustainable, to host cultural events and trainings such as movie projections, debates, technological events, various workshops … We also ought to help underprivileged children to be more active, develop new skills.They will be able to reveal their potential, and have access to technological novelty.
- CoveCare team: Within a bracelet, pediatricians and parents could track their child health situation . This devise is capable to mesure blood pressure, blood sugar and temperature. Such informations will be saved in a real time track record on Cloud.
Multipal radios : Ifm, RTCI ,Sfax radio and Tunivisions broadcasted This exceptional edition.
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