The role of Action for Industry (AfI) in Africa
Action for Industry (AfI) in Africa helps to strengthen industry activities in African sections. Why Action for Industry? There is a distinctive drop in the number of IEEE members during the transition from student membership to young professionals. Why is this the case? One of…
The Key Role of Engineers in Contributing Towards Humanity
The IEEE SIGHT Uganda Section project that aims at reducing maternal and child mortality rates in the district. Engineers play a fundamental role in facilitating proper functioning of the modern society. They deliver various development contributions to key sectors that keep society well established and…
IEEE Volunteers: The beating heart of IEEE
“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” ― Sherry Anderson Every IEEE member knows well that, IEEE is the biggest professional organization, and the most common answer given when someone asks “what does IEEE do”, is “Foster technology for the…
Celebrating 10 Years of IEEE Day
IEEE Day’s theme is: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”. While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE focuses on what’s next. IEEE Day can be characterized as the most favorite event of all IEEE members Globally, especially students. During this day we celebrate the…
How Much Do You Know About IEEE Smart Village Empowering Off-Grid Communities?
According to the Energy Access Outlook 2017, an estimated 1.4 billion people live without electricity. What is the Current State of Electrification? The truth of the matter is many communities in the world are living without power. Despite the efforts being made globally by governments,…
41 Exemplary Student Branches in Region 8
The announcement of IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award (2019). The moment every student member was waiting for. One of the most exciting moments of the year, is the time when the announcement of the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award happens. The enthusiasm coming…
Enhancing and Retaining Women in Power and Engineering. How do we take part?
IEEE PowerAfrica 2019 PES Women in Power Panel Session The demand for energy supply is progressively on the rise in this age. We are at a time when many activities that we rely on are machines operated. Indeed the Industrial Revolution is here with us….
A year full of activities by IEEE INSAT Robotics and Automation Society SBC
As the academic year winds down, IEEE INSAT Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter continue their efforts to engrain the passion for robotics in young engineering students in INSAT and Tunisia. Here is a short recap of this year’s activities. The activities were very…
It is time for the IEEE Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award
Time to nominate for R8 Awards It feels great to receive an award… as your efforts have been recognized. It feels even better to nominate a well deserving person or team for an award. IEEE Region 8 (R8) offers a number of awards. Awards to…
IEEE $1 Million Challenge
IEEE, stands for the “Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers”, the world’s largest professional organization, focusing on “Advancing Technology for Humanity”. Some quick facts about IEEE shows us its strength and importance thought out the years, since its foundation back in 1884. IEEE has: –…
David Tobechukwu Okereafor Obituary
Dear Region 8 members, It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the passing away of David Okorafor, IEEE Nigeria Section member and dedicated young volunteer. I would like to share with you his obituary prepared by Rapahel Onoshakpor, IEEE Nigeria Section Chair….
The Tunisian Engineering Day 2019
A celebration that reunites all the Tunisian engineers Young and professionals that look forward to making the world a better place What’s Tunisian Engineering Day? The Tunisian Engineering Day is an annual meeting where engineering students as well as professionals from different fields gather to…
IEEE Educational Activities’ part in the forming of the future teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina lesson plans are now part of a University course thanks to Dušanka Bošković, an IEEE Region 8 member Teacher In Service Program (TISP) is a well known program of IEEE Educational Activities where lesson plans are demonstrated to educators all around the globe….
Katie Bouman: An IEEE member behind the first black hole image
Black holes have always increased our curiosity, and have been throughout the years many times in the center of interest in different sectors. Being first predicted by Albert Eistein’s theory of relativity, black holes became the astronomers focus, to search and find overwhelming evidence that…
The 112th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting
A successfully held meeting by the IEEE Malta Section The IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting is being held twice a year within Region 8, hosted by an IEEE Region 8 Section. This is one of the most demanding meetings being held, in terms of preparation…
Educational Activities Acceleration Contest
As 2018 approaches to it’s end, we all are looking back in order to self evaluate and readjust our goals. Some of us may feel nostalgic about 2018’s moments, some others may feel relaxed and successful, but some may feel incomplete and disappointed. IEEE Region…
Pink Ring: Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign
October is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a worldwide annual campaign involving thousands of organisations, to highlight the importance of breast cancer awareness, education and research. In this order, I received an article from Roua Guesmi, Chairwoman of WIE ENET’COM student Affinity Group. “WIE ENET’COM student…
What’s in Store at 2018 IEEE TSYP Congress?
What’s the TSYP congress? The TSYP is the abbreviation of “Tunisian Students and Young Professionals”. It’s the annual congress for the IEEE student and young professionals in Tunisia. TSYP is a great opportunity to discuss present and future science and engineering challenges, immerse into the…
Encourage Tunisian women build their own business
Khoubeyb Layouni A two-days workshop entitled «SEF UP» sharing the goal to Encourage Tunisian women build their own business, held by IEEE WIE ISSAT SOUSSE in collaboration with JCI KSOUR ESSEF. In Ksour Essef (a town in Tunisia) women are mainly at home, instead…
Computer Society Volunteers from Turkey Came Together
The IEEE Computer Society is the world’s leading membership organization dedicated to computer science and technology. Serving more than 60,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) is the trusted information, networking, and career-development source for a global community of technology leaders that includes researchers, educators, software…