Invest in your tomorrow’s excellence with IEEE Region 8 PEASC
The Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee Launched the “IEEE Learn Together in Region 8” contest Education doesn’t end in a certificate or a university’s degree. As students or professionals we are getting exposed to new information continuously, finding ourselves in an infinite loop of knowledge…
The Virtual Speakers Program Launched by Student Activities Committee
Become a thought leader by helping shape the minds of the future of engineering without having to travel The Student Activities Committee is proud to announce the launching of the new Virtual Speakers Program! IEEE Student Members make up ¼ of the IEEE Membership, about…
10 More IEEE HAC/SIGHT COVID-19 Projects got Funded in Region 8
IEEE Region 8 now counts 16 funded projects to fight COVID-19 all from the African continent Immediate changes have been made to our life since COVID-19 was officially announced as an epidemic. Adaptations of distance working and education, increase of technology usage to simplify our…
Pursue your passion while giving back to your community
The ISV New Talents Program supports talented individuals, who aspire to become Smart Village Entrepreneurs and Developers working to provide electricity in the most vulnerable communities in the world. What is IEEE Smart Village (ISV)? The IEEE Smart Village (ISV) initiative is a flagship…
What’s Your IEEE Story? Meet Mercy Chelangat
I was barely a year old in IEEE when I decided to quit my job with the motivation to volunteer actively for the IEEE Kenya Section. – Mercy Chelangat We all draw inspiration from different life experiences. What a lovely coincidence it is to have…
IEEE Discover Badge is winning more fans in IEEE Region 8
The number of sections having earned their badge is now increased to 5 It has been less than a month, since the first IEEE Discover Badge was earned in IEEE Region 8, by the IEEE UK and Ireland Section. Already 5 sections have earned their…
IEEE Region 8 members engage the HAC/SIGHT initiative for COVID-19 Projects
The African continent shows the way with 6 projects already to be funded It hasn’t been long ago that here in IEEE Region 8 Today we shared with you that IEEE HAC and IEEE SIGHT, two of IEEE’s humanitarian programs joined forces prioritizing proposals that…
It’s Nominations Time for IEEE Region 8 Officers
The IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for IEEE Region 8 Officers IEEE volunteers have an important role in all different levels the organization has. From leadership positions, to executive and opinion-matter positions to be listened to. As we have…
IEEE Region 8 Volunteers turned their activities online
Nothing can stop the active IEEE Region 8 volunteers to continue running their schedule Webinars, meetings, presentations or even talks are some of the running activities we see online during these difficult days everyone is going through, due to COVID-19. The IEEE volunteers of our…
One-of-a-kind Symposium : GEO-SPATIAL DAY
The “GEO-SPATIAL DAY” is a symposium on GEO-EDUCATION AND GEO-SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT. It was organized by IEEE INSAT IAS SBC in partnership with AGEOS; the African Association of Geo-spatial Development. IEEE IAS INSAT SBC believes in being open to the national scientific associations ecosystem. Therefore they…
Riyeda 2020: Signed Collaboration with IEEE Tunisia Section
Riyeda 2020 is an impressive entrepreneurship fair to popularize the entrepreneurial spirit among young people Riyeda 2020 is the 7th edition of entrepreneurship fair organized by TPM (Tunisia SA Market Place) on the 12th and 13th of February 2020 at “city of culture MedV” Avenue…
Carl James Debono Recieves the 2019 MGA Achievement Award
For his outstanding leadership and dedication in enhancing conferences and technical activities in Region 8 Most IEEE’s activities are run by its volunteers. As we had previously written in IEEE Region 8 Today, IEEE Volunteers are the beating heart of IEEE. A non paid position,…
Abdullateef Aliyu from Nigeria Receives the 2019 IEEE MGA YP Award
The MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award is designed to recognize those substantive projects or achievements of a relatively short nature (one to three years) but which have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of IEEE Young Professionals operations. The IEEE Region 8 Today Team…
Getting closer with industry with industrial visits in Zaghouan Governorate
IEEE IAS INSAT SBC shows the way on how to link the theory with real procedures within the professional world with industrial visits in Zaghouan Governorate As the first semester of the academic year ends, and another commences, the IEEE Industry Applications Society National Institute…
Proposed IEEE Code of Ethics Revisions
Member comments are requested on these proposed revisions through 10 April 2020 By Kristen Russell The Code of Ethics expresses each IEEE member’s commitment to the highest standards of professional integrity and ethical conduct. The IEEE Board of Directors at its 24 November meeting approved…
A blowing edition of TSYP
More than 1000 attendees participated at the 7th edition of the Tunisian Students and Young Professionals Congress What’s TSYP? The TSYP is the abbreviation of “Tunisian Students and Young Professionals”. It’s the annual congress for the IEEE student and young professionals in Tunisia. TSYP is…
Promoting Entrepreneurship Through Innovative Competitions
IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Competitions at Tunisia Section IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Initiative kicked off in 2018 and we now stand delighted to see the colors of nations and their young professionals united in aspiration to serve the needs of societies through technology to explore…
The 5th Edition of the Hellenic Student and Young Professionals Congress
“In the end, all you have is your efforts and your persistence to do everything work fine and this is all that matters and the only way to achieve your dreams and fix the pitfalls.” – Theodoros Chatzinikolaou A 3-day congress, with a program including…
Chapter’s work worth awards
The 2019 IEEE Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award Winners It is well known that IEEE covers a variety of technical interests, from Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Computational Intelligence, Oceanic Engineering to Vehicular Technology. In total, IEEE has 39 technical societies that provide benefits…
Five Ingenious Lessons Learnt from IEEE Day ENIS Student Branch
Interesting in learning how to make a successful IEEE Day event? Here are some tips and tricks from the ENIS Student Branch IEEE Day 2019 event in Tunisia. What is IEEE Day? IEEE Day is the annual celebration that marks the first time in history…