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Category: Global IEEE News

Global IEEE News

The IEEE EMBs Yarmouk University Student Chapter in Jordan won the 2023 EMBs Best Regional Student Chapter/Club Award 

The IEEE EMBs Yarmouk University Student Chapter in Jordan has been honored with the prestigious Best Regional Student Chapter/Club Award in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBs). This esteemed accolade recognizes outstanding student chapters or clubs within a specific region and celebrates…

Forthcoming Events

IEEE Education Week 

IEEE Education Week, taking place 2-8 April 2023 is a celebration of the many ways that IEEE Volunteers and Members make an impact on education at every level around the globe. The Education Week website, offers links to live and virtual events, educational resources, and…

Global IEEE News

Call for Nominations for R8 Officer positions and R8 N&A elected members 

IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions: IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Member Activities(two-year commitment) IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Student Activities(two-year commitment) IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Technical Activities(two-year commitment) IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Secretary(two-year commitment)…

Forthcoming Events

IEEE IHTC 2021 – Program & Registration 

2021 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC 2021) takes place as a Virtual Conference from 02 – 04 December 2021. Download the Program and Register to participate. Background The IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE IHTC) is a Multi-Regional Conference Series rotating between R7 (Canada), R8 (Africa, Europe and Middle East), and R9 (Latin America…

Global IEEE News

IEEE HAC/SIGHT Funding Opportunities 

With a focus on projects that utilize technology to address the COVID-19 situation IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC)/IEEE SIGHT have announced the first funding opportunity of 2021! The Call for Proposals is being offered to support IEEE member grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects…