IEEE Day Badge now available on IEEE Collabratec
The badge will be available throughout the month of October. Plus, discover special IEEE Day Offers IEEE Day is right at the corner for 2020, and today one new badge on IEEE Collabratec is launched to enhance even more the excitement for this different IEEE…
A different IEEE Day 2020
Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow IEEE Day is celebrated every year on the first Tuesday of October. For 2020 this is happening on October 6th. During this day we celebrate the first gathering in history when engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share…
Wireless AI: A New Sixth Sense to Deciphering our World
A lot of questions are born talking about technology and its adaptation to our live, especially when it comes to 5G and IoT. What smart impact will future 5G and IoT bring to our lives? Many may wonder, and even speculate, but do we really…
IEEE HAC and SIGHT are once again soliciting IEEE member proposals against COVID-19
31.5% of the already funded projects, are focused on IEEE Region 8 Earlier this year HAC created a joint call with IEEE SIGHT Projects to support grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects that addressed the COVID-19 situation by IEEE members in their local communities….
IEEE Iran section co-organize a series of public webinars with the IEEE UAE and Oman sections
Engineering the Future in the post-COVID era, is the first session New opportunities of learning are inspired during this life-changing period COVID-19 has put everyone in. Webinars have become the new favorite and most engaged way of learning for most, if not for every IEEE…
IEEE Portuguese members use technology against COVID-19
Every cloud has a silver lining, and IEEE members from the Portugal section show us a motivating aspect of this new reality COVID-19 has brought a series of negative aspects in our lives to a level that we are separating our behavior and habits in…
Hybrid Meetings of IEEE Region 8 restores the interests among each OU
Engaging local small groups events to re-activate the membership The lockdown due to COVID-19 has affected IEEE Region 8, as the activities we used to have couldn’t be held. No face-to-face meetings of any kind were allowed in most countries of Region 8, leading to…
23 IEEE HAC/SIGHT COVID-19 Projects Focused in IEEE Region 8
61 projects worldwide to receive funding already, while IEEE Philadelphia Section invest in Rwanda The HAC/SIGHT initiative of IEEE with projects focusing on the fight against COVID-19 was highly welcomed by the IEEE members, with 61 projects worldwide to receive funding already. 23 projects of…
The Virtual Reality of IEEE Region 8
IEEE Region 8 Continues its meetings turning them online. New initiative announced to keep everyone engaged. Being an active IEEE member requires time, dedication and self-motivation as in all volunteering positions. IEEE includes a wide range of activities, from industry to higher education, or soft…
International Women in Engineering Day 2020
On June 23 we celebrate the International Women in Engineering Day aiming to increase awareness of women in engineering across the globe As described in the official website of this day’s celebration, National Women in Engineering Day was launched for the first time in the…
10 More IEEE HAC/SIGHT COVID-19 Projects got Funded in Region 8
IEEE Region 8 now counts 16 funded projects to fight COVID-19 all from the African continent Immediate changes have been made to our life since COVID-19 was officially announced as an epidemic. Adaptations of distance working and education, increase of technology usage to simplify our…
IEEE Region 8 members engage the HAC/SIGHT initiative for COVID-19 Projects
The African continent shows the way with 6 projects already to be funded It hasn’t been long ago that here in IEEE Region 8 Today we shared with you that IEEE HAC and IEEE SIGHT, two of IEEE’s humanitarian programs joined forces prioritizing proposals that…
IEEE Discover Badge Now Available on IEEE Collabratec®
The first badge related to the challenge has been earned in IEEE Region 8 IEEE Collabratec is an online community platform for technology professionals and just a few months ago IEEE Collabratec had launched the Sections Gateway available exclusively to IEEE members, showcasing local networks,…
IEEE Region 8 Volunteers turned their activities online
Nothing can stop the active IEEE Region 8 volunteers to continue running their schedule Webinars, meetings, presentations or even talks are some of the running activities we see online during these difficult days everyone is going through, due to COVID-19. The IEEE volunteers of our…
IEEE donated thousands of hand sanitizers to Piscataway Township
The announcement made by the Piscataway Township Police Department The Piscataway Township Police Department announced on April 7th, a valuable donation made by IEEE. What was mentioned precisely is “IEEE donated thousands of hand sanitizers to Piscataway Township. We appreciate your loyalty and generosity. These…
IEEE HAC and SIGHT Projects Join Forces against COVID-19
IEEE is committed to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. This is not limited to research or standards development only. IEEE shows its humanitarian and philanthropic side through various specified programs, focusing on solving real-life problems and offering to the community through its resources…
IEEE in the fight of COVID-19 with articles and standards at no-cost
More than 400 COVID-19 Related Research items and Standards are available at no-cost in IEEE Xplore Digital Library The global interest is being focused on the fight of COVID-19 in both research level but also in personal level of what comes next. The IEEE Xplore…
The value of IEEE 802 standards family during the covid-19 period
You don’t have to be an IEEE member to be benefited by it Being an IEEE member, has multiple benefits for soft skills development to business opportunities, but it is now more than ever that we value, understand and engage IEEE’s mission, to foster technological…
Today March 14 we celebrate the Pi Day
The beauty of pi, in part, is that it puts infinity within reach. – Steven Strogatz Probably the most famous number is 3.14, known as pi (π) The number π (/paɪ/) is a mathematical constant. Originally defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to…
International Women’s Day March 8
Only 30% of women who earn bachelor’s degrees in engineering are still working in engineering 20 years later International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action…
Recent Posts
- Message from R8 Director, Prof Mike Hinchey
- IEEE IHTC 2024: A Global Platform for Humanitarian Innovation
- My Vision for IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering | Emna Amri, Chair 2025-2026
- IEEE EUROCON 2025 | Cybersecurity and AI in Modern Energy and IT Systems
- Understanding the IEEE National Society Agreements Program
- IEEE Oman SYP Congress 2024
- IEEE Egypt Entrepreneurship Week 2023
- Call for nominations
- Call for nominations – IEEE Region 8 Awards
- IEEE RTSI 2024 Conference at Politecnico di Milano – Site of Lecco!