Call for nominations – IEEE Region 8 Awards
Each year, IEEE Region 8 recognizes the best contributions in IEEE fields of interest and the best efforts in supporting IEEE’s mission by members in our region. We are receiving nominations for the following 2024 awards: – Clementina Saduwa Award – Region 8 Volunteer Award…
The IEEE Life Member Award Winners
The IEEE Life Member Committee (LMC) launches every year the LMC Award Program to recognize one Life Member (LM) and one Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) from each Region. The activity level of the R8 LM community is well demonstrated by the high participation in…
Call for Nominations: IEEE MGA Awards 2022
The awards and recognition program of the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board is designed to promote, recognize, and reward excellence in promoting the interests of IEEE as reflected in the operations of MGA and IEEE geographic unit activities (Regions, Councils, Areas, Sections, Chapters, Affinity…
Call for Nominations IEEE WIE Awards 2022
The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) awards program recognizes WIE members and WIE Affinity Groups who have made outstanding contributions to IEEE WIE, their community, and the engineering profession, through their dedication and involvement in projects or activities directed toward fulfilling the IEEE WIE goals…
The 2020 IEEE Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award Calls for Nominations
It always feels great when your hard work gets recognized! It feels even better to nominate a well deserving person or team for an award. IEEE Region 8 offers a number of awards. Awards to the Chapters are among some of the most prestigious awards…
Sohaib Sheikh unveils all the details for the 2020 EAB Awards
The deadline for IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards is Monday 4 May, 2020 IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Awards recognize and honor major contributions to engineering and technical education. Awards are given for meritorious activities in accreditation, continuing education, educational innovation, pre-university education, service to…
Abdullateef Aliyu from Nigeria Receives the 2019 IEEE MGA YP Award
The MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award is designed to recognize those substantive projects or achievements of a relatively short nature (one to three years) but which have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of IEEE Young Professionals operations. The IEEE Region 8 Today Team…
A blowing edition of TSYP
More than 1000 attendees participated at the 7th edition of the Tunisian Students and Young Professionals Congress What’s TSYP? The TSYP is the abbreviation of “Tunisian Students and Young Professionals”. It’s the annual congress for the IEEE student and young professionals in Tunisia. TSYP is…
41 Exemplary Student Branches in Region 8
The announcement of IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award (2019). The moment every student member was waiting for. One of the most exciting moments of the year, is the time when the announcement of the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award happens. The enthusiasm coming…
A year full of activities by IEEE INSAT Robotics and Automation Society SBC
As the academic year winds down, IEEE INSAT Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter continue their efforts to engrain the passion for robotics in young engineering students in INSAT and Tunisia. Here is a short recap of this year’s activities. The activities were very…
It is time for the IEEE Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award
Time to nominate for R8 Awards It feels great to receive an award… as your efforts have been recognized. It feels even better to nominate a well deserving person or team for an award. IEEE Region 8 (R8) offers a number of awards. Awards to…
2019 IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards
Celebrating Brilliant Minds and a Bright Future! IEEE is widely known for its contribution in technology development and science progress. However it also has a great impact in the educational field. IEEE offers a wide range of learning and career-enhancement opportunities within the engineering sciences,…
5 Greek Student Branches Received the IEEE Region 8 Exemplary Student Branch Award
A great surprise was waiting the 24 attendees of the IEEE Greece Section, during the IEEE Student & Young Professionals Congress 2018 held in Porto, since 5 Student Branches received the IEEE Region 8 Exemplary Student Branch Award. The Greek team representing the IEEE Greece…
Google Co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page Named Recipients of the IEEE Computer Society 2018 Computer Pioneer Award
LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 11 July 2018 – Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have been selected to receive the IEEE Computer Society’s 2018 Computer Pioneer Award. This award acknowledges significant contributions to early concepts and developments in the electronic computer field that have clearly advanced…
IEEE UAE Section Iftar and Volunteer Recognition Award 2018
IEEE United Arab Emirates Section held its annual Ramadan Iftar gathering 2018 on Monday, June 4th, 2018. Dr. Essa Basaeed, IEEE UAE Section Chair has welcomed all attendees of both IEEE and WIE UAE sections. In addition, he has distributed the volunteer recognition award during the…
Nominations are Needed for the 2020 IEEE Technical Field Awards
Submit your recommendations by 15 January IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award For outstanding contributions to the field of biomedical engineering. SPONSORS: IEEE Circuits and Systems and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology societies IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award For outstanding contributions to nanotechnology and technologies for microsystem…