She has led many IEEE organizations including the Computer Society, Standards Association, and Technical Activities
IEEE Fellow Susan K. “Kathy” Land has been chosen as 2020 IEEE president-elect. She will begin serving as president on 1 January 2021.
Land, who was nominated by the IEEE Board of Directors, received 23,147 votes in the elections. Fellow Dejan Milojicic received 18,392 votes. At press time, the results were unofficial until the IEEE Board of Directors accepts the IEEE Tellers Committee report in November.
Land was the 2018 vice president, IEEE Technical Activities. She served two additional terms on the IEEE Board of Directors as Division VIII director/delegate in 2011 and 2012 and as Division V director/delegate in 2014 and 2015. She was president of the IEEE Computer Society in 2009. In 2013 and 2016, Land was a member of the IEEE-USA Board of Directors.
Land has been an active member of the IEEE Standards Association for more than 20 years and served as the Computer Society vice president for Standards in 2004. She was the recipient of the 2007 IEEE Standards Medallion. She has been active in Region 3 supporting local Future City competitions. She was also a member of the region’s Executive Committee, serving as its awards chair.
In 2008 and 2010, she was a member of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee.
Land is the recipient of several awards including the 2011 IEEE Huntsville Section Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award, the IEEE Computer Society 2017 Richard E. Merwin Award, and the Huntsville Association of Technical Societies 2018 Moquin Award.
To find out who was chosen as IEEE-USA president-elect, IEEE Standards Association president-elect, and more, read the full annual election results.