Riyeda 2020 is an impressive entrepreneurship fair to popularize the entrepreneurial spirit among young people
Riyeda 2020 is the 7th edition of entrepreneurship fair organized by TPM (Tunisia SA Market Place) on the 12th and 13th of February 2020 at “city of culture MedV” Avenue Tunis.
For this occasion, Mrs Nihel Ben youssef had the pleasure to share with us some information about this Impressive entrepreneurship fair titled Riyeda 2020.
Who is Mrs Nihel Ben Youssef?

Dr.Nihel Ben Youssef had a PhD in ICT and Engineer in Networks & Telecommunications. Also she is an assistant professor of Cybersecurity, was teaching since 2007 in Tunisia engineering Schools (INSAT, ISI, Sup’COM, Polytechnic School EPT,Esprit..) Not only that, but she is also an IEEE Senior Member and hold the position of IEEE Industry Ambassador in Tunisia Section since January 2017(www.ieee.tn).
What are the objectives of Riyeda 2020?
“The aim of the Entrepreneurship Fair is to popularize the entrepreneurial spirit among young people and to identify the bearers of project ideas in order to put them in direct contact with support and financial and public and private operators. This annual meeting of entrepreneurs and start-up companies is an open event (free registration and attendance).”
Who can attend it?
“Any person with ideas for projects to develop, Entrepreneur or startup wishing to develop its business, or anyone is looking for information and contacts. Expert, investors, students ….”
What are the main parts of Riyeda 2020 program?
“Riyeda has the following parts:
- Conferences : https://www.riyeda.tn/conferences/
- Workshops and master classes : https://www.riyeda.tn/workshops-masterclass-2/
- Tatweer : https://www.riyeda.tn/riyeda-tatweer/
- Challenge : https://www.riyeda.tn/riyeda-challenge/
- Hackathon : https://www.riyeda.tn/riyeda-hackathon/ “
Could you please explain its importance by statistical numbers?

“Riyeda 2020 has about 10000 visitors, more than 80 sponsors and partners, more than 60 conferences more than 40 experts, more than 80 journalists and 50 medias(TV , Web-TV and radio). More than 30 interviews”
Is IEEE Tunisia section one of the partners?
“The partnership between TPM (represented by TPM Ceo Mr Skander Haddar) and IEEE Tunisia Section (represented by me as the IEEE Tunisia Section Industry Ambassador) signed in 22 January 2020 aims to promote the visibility of both parts as follows:
- TPM agrees to announce this partnership and insert IEEE logo at the website, emailing, and social media (Fb, twittern linkedin, instagram), badges press document, baners, Final Fair report, …of the event and to organize a
Partnership booth for IEEE in the main exhibition part.
- IEEE Tunisia Section agrees to participate in the executive committee of Riyeda Hackathon.
- Use IEEE Tunisia section networking to share call for participation to Riyeda challenge and Riyeda Hackathon,
- Promote the call for participation to Riyeda Event through mailing lists and its social media accounts.”
What are the benefits of such partnership?
“With such collaboration, we have tried to promote the visibility of IEEE community to a large ecosystem, to give the opportunity to IEEE members to present their activities and to develop their skills in such dynamic and entrepreneurial environment.”
Are there any other partnerships with the organizer TPM?
“We note that this partnership between IEEE Tunisia Section and TPM is neither the first nor the last one.In fact, TPM organizes other events apart from that Riyeda, namely afric’UP, startup africa summit and TDS(Tunisia Digital Summit). IEEE Tunisia Section has already signed a partnership concerning both events. Our next collaboration will be in TDS 2020 (Tunisia Digital Summit 2020) that will be held in Laico hotel on the 25th and 26th of March 2020.”