The IEEE ENIS Student Branch was established on April 1st, 2009. It focuses on extending the educational and technical experience of students in computer science engineering and electrical engineering.
On the 26th of September 2018, IEEE ENIS Student Branch and Tunisia Section joined the amazing “Technology & Innovation Salon” in french “Salon d’Innovation Informatique et Bureautique” (SIIB).
What is the SIIB?
The SIIB is an exhibit that attracted thousands of attendees, multiple engineering schools and organizations, IT companies and most importantly the Tunisian minister of Information and Communication Technologies.
The SIIB on its 26th version lasted for five days started on the 26th of September 2018. It focused on the youth by associating an autonomous youth-oriented scientific animation pavilion and a rich program of challenges, workshops and booths.The pavilion offered:
* Challenges revealing skills in the field of N.T.I.C such as “Sfax Intercollegiate Programming Contest” and “IoT Packathon Competition”..
*Challenges in the field of start-up boosting like “Pitch your skills”.
* Results communicated live during the show to the delight of HRM managers, recruiters and headhunters in the field.
* A new student population looking for projects and workstations, supervisors and business leaders.
In short: A real labor market in perspective and you can check in the official website for more details:
IEEE ENIS SB presence in the SIIB
The exhibit was a great opportunity to showcase the projects and activities of the student branch. More than a 100-student members from IEEE ENIS student branch joined it. They spend five full days doing various activities like: networking, presenting the student branch and organizing some of the events and competitions during SIIB.
Furthermore, the student branch’s sub-units such chapters and affinity groups participated also in this exhibit. Each one had the chance to display their own projects and express their different visions and identities. It highlighted the amazing diversity of the technical fields served by IEEE and pointed out its humanitarian goals.
A drone challenge
During the SIIB, the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems student branch chapter at ENIS (National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia) organized a drone challenge. This chapter is newly founded chapter that started its activities on April 2018. Organizing the event was a great experience, teams came from all over Tunisia to participate and they were very motivated and eager to win the grand prize. They gave their best effort and they have shown a great competitive spirit. The challenge was mainly divided into two parts: Drone and Glider.
The Drone category contained three sub-competitions: picture tacker, drone racer and drone best design. Five teams participated in this category and three teams competed in the glider category.
It was a great opportunity to not only encourage engineers to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of aeronautics but also to boost the research and development of this field in Tunisia and specially in National Engineering School of Sfax.
Special thanks to
IEEE Tunisia Section, IEEE Education Society (Tunisia Section), IEEE ENIS PES Student Branch Chapter, IEEE ENIS AESS Student Branch Chapter, IEEE ENIS IAS Student Branch Chapter, IEEE ENIS CS Student Branch Chapter, IEEE ENIS RAS Student Branch Chapter, IEEE ENIS Cyber Security Student Branch Unit, IEEE ENIS Big Data Student Branch Unit, IEEE ENIS WIE Student Affinity Group to Google Developers Group at Sfax, Department of Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics at ENIS (National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia) and to every committed and inspiring IEEE volunteer that helped during SIIB.
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