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Category: Volunteer News


IEEE EMEA Blockchain Seminar 

A collective effort of the IEEE Blockchain Regional Groups in Europe and Africa (12 groups), under the IEEE Blockchain Initiative, has already given rise to our first joint event: the IEEE EMEA Blockchain Seminar, to be held on September 8, 2021 – This event…

Global IEEE News

IEEE HAC/SIGHT Funding Opportunities 

With a focus on projects that utilize technology to address the COVID-19 situation IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC)/IEEE SIGHT have announced the first funding opportunity of 2021! The Call for Proposals is being offered to support IEEE member grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects…

ieee region 8 subcommittees chairs meeting

The Virtual Reality of IEEE Region 8 

IEEE Region 8 Continues its meetings turning them online. New initiative announced to keep everyone engaged. Being an active IEEE member requires time, dedication and self-motivation as in all volunteering positions. IEEE includes a wide range of activities, from industry to higher education, or soft…