Call for Proposals: IEEE HAC/SIGHT Projects Focused on Pressing Community Needs
The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) provides a suite of resources that inspire and enable IEEE volunteers around the world to carry out and support impactful humanitarian technology and sustainable development activities at the local level. One mechanism for this is the funding and support of such projects….
Call for Nominations: IEEE MGA Awards 2022
The awards and recognition program of the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board is designed to promote, recognize, and reward excellence in promoting the interests of IEEE as reflected in the operations of MGA and IEEE geographic unit activities (Regions, Councils, Areas, Sections, Chapters, Affinity…
Call for Nominations IEEE WIE Awards 2022
The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) awards program recognizes WIE members and WIE Affinity Groups who have made outstanding contributions to IEEE WIE, their community, and the engineering profession, through their dedication and involvement in projects or activities directed toward fulfilling the IEEE WIE goals…
Call for Papers: 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2022)
Welcome to the 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). The first IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) was held in 1995 in response to the growing interaction between the fields of computers and communications.ISCC takes place annually, usually in the Mediterranean region,…
IEEE EMEA Blockchain Seminar
A collective effort of the IEEE Blockchain Regional Groups in Europe and Africa (12 groups), under the IEEE Blockchain Initiative, has already given rise to our first joint event: the IEEE EMEA Blockchain Seminar, to be held on September 8, 2021 – This event…
Call for Best Entrepreneurship Activity Pitch Presentation
This call is devoted to young Startups (TRL 1-3) and entrepreneurs to showcase successful entrepreneurship ideas in the field of interest of IEEE. The competitors shall prepare a 5 minutes video: “My entrepreneurship idea in 5 minutes” in which will present their entrepreneurship idea and activity…
IEEE HAC/SIGHT Funding Opportunities
With a focus on projects that utilize technology to address the COVID-19 situation IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC)/IEEE SIGHT have announced the first funding opportunity of 2021! The Call for Proposals is being offered to support IEEE member grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects…
Newly developed STEM Portal: IEEE Volunteer STEM Portal
The STEM Portal is for IEEE Volunteers and serves as a resource for all things related to Pre-University STEM programs and activities. Here, you can share your STEM best practices and programs with IEEE’s global community of volunteers, find inspiration from what others are doing, and…
Winning the Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award in 2020
One new award was introduced this year, to appreciate the efforts of running virtually activities The IEEE cares for its members and caters for a variety of interests. The IEEE has 39 different global technical Societies and each Society focuses on a specific technical domain,…
IEEE Region 8 Industrial Bootcamp: where business skills meet technical expertise
Due to the worldwide health crisis, the Bootcamp had to be postponed to September 2020, from its first originally scheduled date. Region 8 Industrial Bootcamp was the winning idea at the University Activities Category of the Acceleration Contest 2019 of IEEE Region 8 Professional and…
New Volunteering Opportunities Available for Members in Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Piscataway, NJ, USA 12 October 2020 – IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, has created new volunteer opportunities for IEEE Collabratec, the organization’s community and collaboration platform. According to John Day, IEEE Director of Member Products & Programs,…
IEEE Region 8 Virtual Student & Young Professionals Congress 2020
IEEE R8 Virtual Student & Young Professionals Congress will be held from 14th to 26th of September 2020 in a hybrid format with 3 hours of daily content. The IEEE Region 8 SYP Congress is an event of great tradition and perhaps the most expected…
Prospects for Women in the Power and Energy Industry
Written by Dr. Omowunmi Mary Longe, IEEE PES WiP Representative, South Africa Senior Lecturer, University of Johannesburg We live in a time and season of history where early career seekers only want to pursue a career in a field where they are sure will…
The 2020 IEEE Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award Calls for Nominations
It always feels great when your hard work gets recognized! It feels even better to nominate a well deserving person or team for an award. IEEE Region 8 offers a number of awards. Awards to the Chapters are among some of the most prestigious awards…
IEEE HAC and SIGHT are once again soliciting IEEE member proposals against COVID-19
31.5% of the already funded projects, are focused on IEEE Region 8 Earlier this year HAC created a joint call with IEEE SIGHT Projects to support grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects that addressed the COVID-19 situation by IEEE members in their local communities….
Student Branch in Africa Bags Chapter of the Year Award
The IEEE Kenyatta University (KU) Students Branch (KUSB) puts Kenya on the limelight on the global scale What is the Chapter of the Year Award? CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD isn’t just any award. It is the most prestigious award a chapter can get from…
IEEE Portuguese members use technology against COVID-19
Every cloud has a silver lining, and IEEE members from the Portugal section show us a motivating aspect of this new reality COVID-19 has brought a series of negative aspects in our lives to a level that we are separating our behavior and habits in…
23 IEEE HAC/SIGHT COVID-19 Projects Focused in IEEE Region 8
61 projects worldwide to receive funding already, while IEEE Philadelphia Section invest in Rwanda The HAC/SIGHT initiative of IEEE with projects focusing on the fight against COVID-19 was highly welcomed by the IEEE members, with 61 projects worldwide to receive funding already. 23 projects of…
Kenyatta University Students Innovate Ventilator in response to Covid-19
IEEE Kenyatta University Students Innovate Smart Mechanical Ventilator in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic “Daring to dream big goes a long way. When there is a problem around you, looking for solutions within is more effective than looking for them without. In our case, we…
The Virtual Reality of IEEE Region 8
IEEE Region 8 Continues its meetings turning them online. New initiative announced to keep everyone engaged. Being an active IEEE member requires time, dedication and self-motivation as in all volunteering positions. IEEE includes a wide range of activities, from industry to higher education, or soft…