The article was submitted by Mariem Ayed
With a decade of productivity and experience behind it, IEEE Tunisia section is well aware that “Changes call for innovation, and innovation leads to progress” . Now celebrating its 10th anniversary IEEE Tunisia section is willing to bring its vision into being through the IEEE Future Innovations Summit, which will be held on 28 June 2018, in Elgazala Technopark, Tunis, Tunisia.
At this Summit, IEEE Tunisia section gathers policymakers, leaders and experts in technology and innovations to explore the unprecedented questions, challenges and opportunities that innovative and successful technologies are unleashing for leaders of industries.
The Summit will be an opportunity to discuss the ethical concerns and behavioral challenges linked to the transformative technologies, also to reflect on the key roles of Research & Development, Standardization, as well as Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy, in creating the right environment to instill cutting-edge technology innovations for the benefit of Humanity.
This summit not only provides industry and academia with inspiration, strategic ideas and tactical actions to address the unique challenges they face today to bridge the gap between them, but also gives the participants an opportunity to meet IEEE leaders among which James A. Jefferies, IEEE President. It will also provide a space to network and to build partnership at both national and international level, and to gain a broader understanding of the latest advances, potential applications and opportunities
A series of keynotes and panel discussions will be held during the IEEE Future Innovations Summit highlighting the important role that IEEE plays in advancing technologies and addressing the challenges of cooperation between IEEE and companies.
There is no better way to celebrate 10 years of hard work and success then to organize such an outstanding innovative event where IEEE Tunisia section brings together students and professionals members who worked collectively to reach +2500 member, +1400 meeting, + 100 subunit, which led the section to be awarded on 2017 as the IEEE MGA outstanding large section award in Sydney.
For more info you can visit the IEEE Future Innovations Summit