The 10th edition of the Tunisian SYP in conjunction with the YP in Space’22 Held in Sousse, Tunisia, from the 19th to the 21st of December 2022, the 10th edition of Tunisian Students and Young Professionals Congress, was a resounding success with over 1100 eager IEEE member and prominent national and international guests and participants in attendance.
This year’s edition theme is Aerospace which fitted perfectly with the opportunity to host the Young Professionals in Space in Conjunction with the IEEE Tunisian SYP, an opportunity to inspire IEEE Tunisian community as well as the international one to involve more in the Aerospace industry as well as exploring the various opportunities offered by IEEE and its societies.
The Tunisian SYP main objectives are networking, acquiring technical skills, and competing in various challenges thus providing an opportunity for the Section to evaluate the work done by the student branches during the previous year and providing the opportunity for the 37 represented SBs to compete to win the honor of organizing the next edition of the congress.
Day-1: Starting day one with the opening ceremony that began with the Tunisian national anthem, followed by the opening video for the congress, then the congress chair, Ala Chalghaf, gave a warm welcome to the attendance and declared that we are finally at T-0, followed by Fedi Naimi, the IEEE ESPRIT SB Chair, the organizing SB of this edition.
Then the floor was for the founder and director of ESPRIT, Tahar Belakhdar, and Mekki Ksouri, IEEE ESPRIT SB Counselor who gave an insightful speech on the current situation of education in the country and the importance of volunteering in IEEE for a thriving professional career, further joined Ilhem Kallel, IEEE Tunisia Section Chair, to give her welcome address and grant several winning SBs, IEEE units and volunteers their R8 awards that she received on their behalf in the latest Region 8 meeting in Cairo, Egypt. Ending the welcoming segment of the opening ceremony Ahmed Bougatf, the Student Branches Coordinator, took the floor followed by Anis Ben Arfi, the YPS’22 honorary Chair and lastly but not least a pre-recorded intervention from the region 8 director, Antonio Luque.
The welcoming address segment was followed by a sponsor’s intervention segment where the partners of the congress got to present themselves and their services, then it was time for a brief musical break, before starting the keynote segment where Steven C. Reising, Secretary of the IEEE GRSS AdCom, delivered a speech on “Global Remote Sensing of Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Severe Storms using Small Satellite Constellations”. After the opening ceremony, the participants got to enjoy the networking part of such congresses through the booths sessions, where each student branch from Tunisia Section got to present their work and achievement through their booth also the IEEE societies and units as well as sponsors that supported the event got their own booth, an opportunity to exchange with attendees, promote their benefits and attract more members to their societies and services.
Day-2: The 2nd day was divided into 4 sessions, each one including a panel discussion, Tunisia Section chapters’ challenges, and several workshops, amounting to 4-panel discussions, 8 challenges, and 28 workshops throughout the day to ensure guarantee the attendees’ satisfaction and diversity of the topics. These sessions were animated by many speakers that gladly accepted the invitation to name a few Mehmet Ogut, a Nasa JPL engineer in the Aerospace Panel, Lorenzo Lomonte, IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecturer, and Nuno Borges Carvalho, IEEE MTT-S President-Elect. Ending a very productive day with a talent show where IEEE members showcased their artistic skills, after which, the Tunisia Section’s leaders announced the winners of the chapter challenges and the congress finalists.
Day-3: The last day started with the Tunisia Section award ceremony. Then, the 5 finalist SBs pitched their proposals. After the Q&A session and voting process, the ESSTHS SB has crowned the 10th edition winners.
The TSYP program has come to an end, as for the YPS participants, they spend the rest of the day on a sightseeing tour at Eljam historical site. There was no better way to end this diversified experience than a Gala dinner that brought together participants from different nationalities where they got to network while discovering both traditional Tunisian food and music.