Leadership: Women Speaker Series 3
Continuing of the Women Speakers Series was initiated by RIT Dubai – Rochester Institute of Technology, the third session was hold on Tuesday 26th February 2019 under the theme of Leadership in celebration of International Women’s Day. The first session can be accessed through: Disruptive Technologies: Women Speakers…
Data Science and Blockchain Workshop
New competencies risen In alignment with UAE vision 2021 and Abu Dhabi vision 2030, College of Engineering (CoE) at Al Ain University of Science and Technology (AAU) –Abu Dhabi Campus- organized and conducted a workshop entitled “Data Science and Blockchain” for students and faculty on…
Site Visit to “Advanced Electronics Company”
Prof Khalid AL Nabulsi has organized with the IEEE student branch at King Abdulaziz university a visit to Advanced electronic company in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The main purpose of this visit is to make students take a deep good look about level of electronics communications devices…
IEEE Western Saudi Arabia section in R8 Student and Young Professional Congress
IEEE WSA section IEEE WSA is the IEEE section in the Western Saudi Arabia geographic region. It is responsible for all the student branches within this region. IEEE WSA in 2018 R8 SYP Congress IEEE WSA section has participated in Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress…