Nothing can stop the active IEEE Region 8 volunteers to continue running their schedule
Webinars, meetings, presentations or even talks are some of the running activities we see online during these difficult days everyone is going through, due to COVID-19. The IEEE volunteers of our Region didn’t lose their courage but we might say they even found more motivation to continue their activities, but this time instead of filling rooms to turn online.
IEEE Student Branches, Affinity Groups but also initiatives being found in different Sections of Region 8, have turned their activities online, using different platforms and of course enjoying the benefits of different Social Media Platforms, focusing to benefit the community and their colleagues and partners, through the usage of technology. It is motivating and encouraging to see how the active IEEE volunteers are always finding the way to continue working on their projects and goals.
Some of the recent events that were shared among the Social Media during the last days are:
IEEE Student Branch – International Hellenic University – Serres, from Greece, has turned their technical schedule of workshops online, using their Youtube Channel for live streaming to everyone interested to participate. Workshops focusing on Git or Spring Framework turned online with all team members working remotely.
IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship Initiative Went live on Facebook, sharing “25 learnings in 25 mins” through an invited speaker Mr.Ahmed El-Sharkasy CEO & Co-founder at Knowledge Officer.
IEEE Young Professionals Egypt Is helding a webinar series through Facebook live, covering a variety of topics such as, Digital Transformation in Healthcare, Product Management and more to come.
IEEE EMBS University of Coimbra, from Portugal, held an online talk under the theme “The Path and Work of Miguel Morgado” using Zoom.
Having the technology but also the tools to choose, turning online an event doesn’t seem that difficult. IEEE volunteers are showing that their activities can still be held remotely. Either a technical workshop or an open talk it is still possible to be held.
No matter the distance, still everyone can stay together.