More than 400 COVID-19 Related Research items and Standards are available at no-cost in IEEE Xplore Digital Library
The global interest is being focused on the fight of COVID-19 in both research level but also in personal level of what comes next. The IEEE Xplore Digital Library provides access to over 5 million documents including research articles, standards, transactions and conference publications. A huge variety of health related articles are also provided through IEEE Xplore, covering topics such as Biomedical Engineering, Medical Imaging, Biomedicine and more. However, most publications in IEEE xplore are available with a fee charge, including discounts for IEEE members.
Now, more than 400 COVID-19 related articles can be accessed for free at IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
As announced “IEEE realizes that many IEEE Xplore users may be directly or indirectly engaged in the global fight against COVID-19. To help researchers understand and manage the COVID-19 pandemic, IEEE has identified a collection of articles that may help such efforts. The collection is completely free to access for the duration of the crisis with additional reuse rights including text and data mining and analysis. IEEE is monitoring new developments and will update the collection periodically. If you are unable to access an article that may be important in addressing COVID-19, please contact IEEE at”
Even though IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, as it is described in its history its membership has long been composed of engineers, scientists, and allied professionals. These include computer scientists, software developers, information technology professionals, physicists, medical doctors, and many others in addition to IEEE’s electrical and electronics engineering core.
This professional expansion is what makes IEEE the world’s largest technical professional organization, by having more professionals getting engaged with its products and services, but also creating the needs for more. Now through its digital library, IEEE offers free scientific content related with COVID-19 from its publications, such as journals, magazines or even conferences, to help researchers.
Being the leading developer on industry standards in a broad range of technologies, IEEE is providing no-cost public access to important IEEE standards, responding to Global COVID-19 public health emergency
IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, and once again we see this in action.
Get access now to all COVID-19 related articles and standards from IEEE Xplore Digital Library.