A great surprise was waiting the 24 attendees of the IEEE Greece Section, during the IEEE Student & Young Professionals Congress 2018 held in Porto, since 5 Student Branches received the IEEE Region 8 Exemplary Student Branch Award.
The Greek team representing the IEEE Greece Section, composed by 24 members has not just one reason to be happy, but five. 5 Greek Student Branches during the Gala Dinner of the SYP Congress 2018 were surprised hearing that they were being awarded as Exemplary Student Branches, for their hard work and efforts . Most of the Greek attendees participated in a SYP congress for the first time, making that surprise and excitement even bigger.
Every year each IEEE Student Branch work hard in order to achieve their goals, but also to leverage technology for the better of humanity. The purpose of the IEEE Regional Exemplary Award is to provide public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations. This is what 5 Greek Universities did, and their efforts have been awarded.

IEEE Student Branches are the heart of the IEEE, being excited to work on new ideas and projects, and to further promote IEEE’s goal. In Greece Section there are 410 student members, out of the 2020 in total. We definitely know that in the Greece Section are many active IEEE Student Members, aiming to work even harder and continue to be an example for others.
Receiving 5 awards increased the energy of the Greek team, which during the multicultural night showed what the “Greek Hospitality” means, sharing with everyone around them, traditional Greek products, being brought from different places of Greece.
Congratulation to all receivers of the IEEE Region 8 Exemplary Student Branch:
IEEE Student Branch Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
IEEE Student Branch Democritus University of Thrace
IEEE Student Branch University of Patras
IEEE Student Branch University of Thessaly – Lamia
IEEE Student Branch Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences