Continuing of the Women Speakers Series was initiated by RIT Dubai – Rochester Institute of Technology, the second session was hold on the last Saturday of October, i.e. 27th October 2018 under the theme of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The first session can be accessed through: Disruptive Technologies: Women Speakers Series .
The speaker series provide opportunity to create communities that fuel innovation, facilitate knowledge sharing and provide support through highly interactive sessions designed to foster discussion and collaboration.
In this session, different Women Entrepreneurs were invited and they presented their experiences to the audience in different fields.
Dr. Boutheina Tlili – Profesor of EE at RIT Dubai and Honorary WIE Chair – UAE Section has presented the speakers and managed the session.
The Speakers
Mrs. Mashal Waqar is the co-founder and COO of The Tempest. Media Entrepreneur. WIL Economic Forum Young Leader of the Year. TEDx Speaker.
Mrs. Thea Myhrvold is Founder of TeachMeNow and GetBee. International speaker, LinkedIn Power Profile and Expo2020 Global Innovator.
Ms. Aya Rachel Sadder, is the Incubator manager of Intelak, the first Travel & Aviation Incubator in the region.
Mrs. Christina Ioannidis is the CEO of Aquitude. Founded in 2007 in the United Kingdom by Christina Ioannidis, the company is now headquartered in Dubai.
Mrs. Neeru Marya Sharma is MD of Marya Leadership Academy. MARYA Leadership Academy is an International Organization providing coaching, Training and accountability support to early stage entrepreneurs.
The Session
The session has been started by asking different questions about innovation and entrepreneurship to the speakers by Dr. Boutheina and all speakers were answering these questions according to their experiences, also the audience were participating as well by giving examples or sharing their ideas as well.
Dr. Boutheina has started by asking what is innovation and what drives it? Mrs. Christina Ioannidis has advised that the number one driver of innovation is diversity of different people from different backgrounds. According to Mrs. Neeru, innovation is a process of moving an innovative idea to finding out commercially sustainable viable business preposition. Mrs. Thea Myhrvold has added that innovation in technology needs to be tested quickly due to the fast change in this field. In this area, Mrs. Mashal Waqar has stressed on not complicating ideas and keep the innovative ideas as simple as you can in order to make them workable and able to be executed.
After that, so many questions has been presented either by Dr. Boutheina or by the audience.
At the end of the session, Dr. Boutheina has thanked the speakers and the audience for their participation in the second session of the WSS.
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