Student Branch in Africa Bags Chapter of the Year Award
The IEEE Kenyatta University (KU) Students Branch (KUSB) puts Kenya on the limelight on the global scale What is the Chapter of the Year Award? CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD isn’t just any award. It is the most prestigious award a chapter can get from…
Registration Opens for the 7th IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference Virtual Edition
Smart Village’s global community will be sharing the lessons that it has learned through the 10 year initiative. It will also figure out new solutions to overcome challenges faced. What is PowerAfrica Conference? The IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference is a premier conference that provides an…
Kenyatta University Students Innovate Ventilator in response to Covid-19
IEEE Kenyatta University Students Innovate Smart Mechanical Ventilator in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic “Daring to dream big goes a long way. When there is a problem around you, looking for solutions within is more effective than looking for them without. In our case, we…
Pursue your passion while giving back to your community
The ISV New Talents Program supports talented individuals, who aspire to become Smart Village Entrepreneurs and Developers working to provide electricity in the most vulnerable communities in the world. What is IEEE Smart Village (ISV)? The IEEE Smart Village (ISV) initiative is a flagship…
What’s Your IEEE Story? Meet Mercy Chelangat
I was barely a year old in IEEE when I decided to quit my job with the motivation to volunteer actively for the IEEE Kenya Section. – Mercy Chelangat We all draw inspiration from different life experiences. What a lovely coincidence it is to have…
A deckchair made from green bottles collected during IEEE Xtreme
IEEE Computer Society Chapter – INSAT Student Branch shares the message of recycling and re-usage The term eco-friendly isn’t new. A big buzz is happening around these two words, with the meaning, importance and responsibility that carry on. Eco-friendly cars – products – technology are…
Five Ingenious Lessons Learnt from IEEE Day ENIS Student Branch
Interesting in learning how to make a successful IEEE Day event? Here are some tips and tricks from the ENIS Student Branch IEEE Day 2019 event in Tunisia. What is IEEE Day? IEEE Day is the annual celebration that marks the first time in history…
The role of Action for Industry (AfI) in Africa
Action for Industry (AfI) in Africa helps to strengthen industry activities in African sections. Why Action for Industry? There is a distinctive drop in the number of IEEE members during the transition from student membership to young professionals. Why is this the case? One of…
The Key Role of Engineers in Contributing Towards Humanity
The IEEE SIGHT Uganda Section project that aims at reducing maternal and child mortality rates in the district. Engineers play a fundamental role in facilitating proper functioning of the modern society. They deliver various development contributions to key sectors that keep society well established and…
How Much Do You Know About IEEE Smart Village Empowering Off-Grid Communities?
According to the Energy Access Outlook 2017, an estimated 1.4 billion people live without electricity. What is the Current State of Electrification? The truth of the matter is many communities in the world are living without power. Despite the efforts being made globally by governments,…
Enhancing and Retaining Women in Power and Engineering. How do we take part?
IEEE PowerAfrica 2019 PES Women in Power Panel Session The demand for energy supply is progressively on the rise in this age. We are at a time when many activities that we rely on are machines operated. Indeed the Industrial Revolution is here with us….
IEEE Standards Association Networking Dinner and Cocktail Nairobi, Kenya
IEEE Kenya was proud to host the IEEE Standards Association. The forum comprised of students, young professionals and industry experts. They had gathered to learn and share more about the IEEE Standards Association. It was a lovely evening as the attendees gathered at the Intercontinental…
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