Newly developed STEM Portal: IEEE Volunteer STEM Portal
The STEM Portal is for IEEE Volunteers and serves as a resource for all things related to Pre-University STEM programs and activities. Here, you can share your STEM best practices and programs with IEEE’s global community of volunteers, find inspiration from what others are doing, and…
Promoting STEM with experiments based on bioengineering
Christopher James speaks about his new project BME (Bioengineering Mobile Exploration) STEM education has gained a great awareness over the last years, having more and more teachers engaging with activities that enhance student’s knowledge on science – technology – engineering and mathematics (STEM). Through STEM…
NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir are scheduled to conduct the first-ever all-female spacewalk
“Women are approximately half the population, but have not historically represented half of the astronaut corps,” says IEEE Senior Member Ella Atkins. NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir are scheduled to conduct the first-ever all-female spacewalk this week to make an important and urgent…
TISP Week 2019 expands in 3 Regions 5 Continents
TISP Week 2019 will run during the last week of October. The call for participation has already been announced STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education is gaining over the years more and more recognition and awareness. Many schools have adopted STEAM-based educational programs…
Why Companies Need Engineers With a Creative Bent
STEAM education is helping the next generation of tech workers explore their artistic side People with the ability to combine their engineering and scientific skills with their understanding of art, literature, music, and other creative works have introduced popular products and spawned billion-dollar industries. They’ve…
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