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Tag: ieee region 8


Call for nominations 

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions: · IEEE Region 8 2025-2026 Vice Chair, Member Activities (two-year commitment) · IEEE Region 8 2025-2026 Vice Chair, Student Activities (two-year commitment) · IEEE Region 8 2025-2026 Vice…


IEEE Fellow program in Region 8 

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting for this prestigious grade elevation. IEEE Region 8 is keen on increasing the number of IEEE Fellow nominations and encourages Senior…

ieee region 8 subcommittees chairs meeting
Volunteer News

The Virtual Reality of IEEE Region 8 

IEEE Region 8 Continues its meetings turning them online. New initiative announced to keep everyone engaged. Being an active IEEE member requires time, dedication and self-motivation as in all volunteering positions. IEEE includes a wide range of activities, from industry to higher education, or soft…

ieee world map

The history of IEEE Region 8 

When did IEEE Region 8 officially founded? Who was the first IEEE Region 8 Director? And many others questions, are being answered in the article below written by Prof. Tony Davies, where the history of IEEE Region 8 is presented. Source of the article below:…