IEEE RTSI 2024 Conference at Politecnico di Milano – Site of Lecco!
Mark your calendars for the IEEE RTSI 2024, a flagship R8 portfolio event hosted at Politecnico di Milano – Site of Lecco from September 18-20, 2024. Explore cutting-edge tracks: 🛠️ Track 1: Methods and Technologies for AI 🚗 Track 2: AI Applications to Energy and…
ANE and IEEE are organizing a hackathon on Ethical dilemmas in AI
A two-days hackathon on “Ethical dilemmas in AI” is organized by the Association of Nordic Engineers (ANE), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (IEEE) inviting members and experts to voice their opinion and influence the development of responsible AI. The event will be…
Can AI Detect Deepfakes To Help Ensure Integrity of U.S. 2020 Elections?
Startup Deeptrace is racing to develop automated detection of fake videos and images as U.S. 2020 elections loom A perfect storm arising from the world of pornography may threaten the U.S. elections in 2020 with disruptive political scandals having nothing to do with actual affairs. Instead, face-swapping…
Tomorrow’s Doctors Must Be Engineers Too
The medical profession is changing, and so must medical education When King Li went to medical school 40 years ago, he sometimes felt like he was trying to memorize the human body. “I’d see these curves in the textbook, and have to memorize: ‘If the patient’s kidneys…
Facebook’s DensePose Tech Raises Concerns About Potential Misuse
Facebook’s DensePose technology lets anyone turn 2D images of people into 3D models In early 2018, Facebook’s AI researchers unveiled a deep-learning system that can transform 2D photo and video images of people into 3D mesh models of those human bodies in motion. Last month,…