Don’t Forget to Vote in the IEEE Annual Election
As the technological landscape continues to evolve, it’s crucial that the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) remains at the forefront of innovation and leadership in the field. One of the ways IEEE members can actively participate in shaping the organization’s future is through…
Celebrate IEEE Day 2023: Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow
We are excited to introduce you to the upcoming IEEE Day event on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023. IEEE Day commemorates a significant milestone in engineering history, marking the moment in 1884 when engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas. This event…
Call for IEEE Region 8 Leadership Positions
The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions: IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Member Activities(two-year commitment) IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Student Activities(two-year commitment) IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Technical Activities(two-year commitment) IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Secretary(two-year…
Call for 2022 Entrepreneurship Week Ambassadors
Entrepreneurship Week is our flagship event – a series of local entrepreneurship events and competitions, taking place between November and December of every year.Since 2018, we ran 3 editions of the Entrepreneurship Week with remarkable success200+ ambassadors taking part 25+ participating countries in the region60+…
IEEE EMEA Blockchain Seminar
A collective effort of the IEEE Blockchain Regional Groups in Europe and Africa (12 groups), under the IEEE Blockchain Initiative, has already given rise to our first joint event: the IEEE EMEA Blockchain Seminar, to be held on September 8, 2021 – This event…
Special meeting on Innovative startups and entrepreneurs
Objective This special meeting is structured in two panels dedicated to: entrepreneurship financial and institutional supports, the importance of ethics in technology; some examples of successful startups. The first panel will focus on entrepreneurship supports for success. Funding, organization, management, business strategies and planning, incubators,…
Join Now: Conference Leadership Virtual Workshop
Join our Conference Leadership Virtual Workshop. The workshop is a ninety-minute webinar that focuses on planning and executing a high-quality technical program. Listen to live presentations on Technical Program Management, Conference Sponsorship, Peer Review & Plagiarism. You can also ask the presenter questions at Q&A…
IEEE President’s Column: An IEEE for the Next Technological Revolution
It’s critical for our shared future that the organization is prepared I want to reflect on the unique times we live in and how they force us to rethink our organization. Our roots go back to the founding of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers…
Ana Cigarán Romero speaks at IEEE Region 8 Today and inspires us
The Chair of IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering , Ana Cigarán Romero shares inspiration and motivation about women and young girls to get closer with engineering and technology A woman, a mother, an engineer, an IEEE volunteer. It sounds like a variety of…
Five Ingenious Lessons Learnt from IEEE Day ENIS Student Branch
Interesting in learning how to make a successful IEEE Day event? Here are some tips and tricks from the ENIS Student Branch IEEE Day 2019 event in Tunisia. What is IEEE Day? IEEE Day is the annual celebration that marks the first time in history…
The Key Role of Engineers in Contributing Towards Humanity
The IEEE SIGHT Uganda Section project that aims at reducing maternal and child mortality rates in the district. Engineers play a fundamental role in facilitating proper functioning of the modern society. They deliver various development contributions to key sectors that keep society well established and…
Enhancing and Retaining Women in Power and Engineering. How do we take part?
IEEE PowerAfrica 2019 PES Women in Power Panel Session The demand for energy supply is progressively on the rise in this age. We are at a time when many activities that we rely on are machines operated. Indeed the Industrial Revolution is here with us….
Encourage Tunisian women build their own business
Khoubeyb Layouni A two-days workshop entitled «SEF UP» sharing the goal to Encourage Tunisian women build their own business, held by IEEE WIE ISSAT SOUSSE in collaboration with JCI KSOUR ESSEF. In Ksour Essef (a town in Tunisia) women are mainly at home, instead…
IEEE Region 8 Today Call for Contributors
It has been noticed that great work that is being done around IEEE Region 8 in all Sections, Societies and Affinity Groups, stays mostly local since there is a lack of sharing this information around the IEEE Region 8 Members. At the same time very…