My Vision for IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering | Emna Amri, Chair 2025-2026
Understanding the IEEE National Society Agreements Program
In this article, we’ve had the opportunity to speak with Peter Nagy (Hungary), the volunteer lead for the IEEE National Society Agreements Program. The interview was conducted by Marc Beebe, Senior Director of Strategic Research, Public Imperatives, & Corporate Development at IEEE Corporate Activities. Peter,…
IEEE Rising Star and United Kingdom Member Shines Bright at 2023 Volunteer Leadership Training
In a remarkable display of leadership and dedication to engineering, AbdulHameed Raji, a member of the IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Section, has been making waves with his recent accomplishments. His participation in the 2023 Volunteer Leadership Training (VoLT) Program highlights his commitment to leadership…
Call for Papers || IEEE AFRICON 2023
The IEEE Region 8 and IEEE Kenya Section are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2023 IEEE Africon Conference. IEEE AFRICON 2023 is co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8 and the IEEE Kenya Section and is the flagship conference for the African continent….
Space Shuttle Challenger: Mission STS-51-L. An Engineer’s view to the disaster
A full-length interview with Burton Dicht, the Director of Student & Academic Education Programs for the IEEE. A mechanical engineer with experience in the aerospace industry, designing aircrafts. A very interesting documentary was released lately by Netflix, called Challenger: The Final Flight. This documentary focuses…
Speaking with the 3 candidates for 2021 IEEE Elect-President – Part B
Following the Speaking with the 3 candidates for 2021 IEEE Elect-President – Part A, today we present the second part of this interview. It is noticed that the majority of student members don’t renew their membership as Young Professionals after their graduation. In your opinion,…
Speaking with the 3 candidates for 2021 IEEE Elect-President – Part A
Today we meet with the 3 candidates for 2021 IEEE Elect-President , Life Fellow Saifur Rahman, and Fellows S.K. Ramesh and Ray Liu, and we share with you all the first part of the interesting conversation we had. Why did you first become an…
IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect Candidates Spoke to IEEE Region 8 Today – Part B
After sharing the first part of the interview, Igor Kuzle and Vincenzo Piuri continue uncovering their plans and thoughts about being the next Director-Elect of IEEE Region 8, but also sharing a message with all of you in the second part of this in-depth conversation in…
IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect Candidates Spoke to IEEE Region 8 Today – Part A
Vincenzo Piuri and Igor Kuzle uncover their plans, thoughts and what would they do if elected today The two candidates for the IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect position, Igor Kuzle and Vincenzo Piuri share with you their thoughts, through a conversation we had with both…
Kenyatta University Students Innovate Ventilator in response to Covid-19
IEEE Kenyatta University Students Innovate Smart Mechanical Ventilator in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic “Daring to dream big goes a long way. When there is a problem around you, looking for solutions within is more effective than looking for them without. In our case, we…
Promoting STEM with experiments based on bioengineering
Christopher James speaks about his new project BME (Bioengineering Mobile Exploration) STEM education has gained a great awareness over the last years, having more and more teachers engaging with activities that enhance student’s knowledge on science – technology – engineering and mathematics (STEM). Through STEM…
Sohaib Sheikh unveils all the details for the 2020 EAB Awards
The deadline for IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards is Monday 4 May, 2020 IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Awards recognize and honor major contributions to engineering and technical education. Awards are given for meritorious activities in accreditation, continuing education, educational innovation, pre-university education, service to…
Riyeda 2020: Signed Collaboration with IEEE Tunisia Section
Riyeda 2020 is an impressive entrepreneurship fair to popularize the entrepreneurial spirit among young people Riyeda 2020 is the 7th edition of entrepreneurship fair organized by TPM (Tunisia SA Market Place) on the 12th and 13th of February 2020 at “city of culture MedV” Avenue…
Carl James Debono Recieves the 2019 MGA Achievement Award
For his outstanding leadership and dedication in enhancing conferences and technical activities in Region 8 Most IEEE’s activities are run by its volunteers. As we had previously written in IEEE Region 8 Today, IEEE Volunteers are the beating heart of IEEE. A non paid position,…
Abdullateef Aliyu from Nigeria Receives the 2019 IEEE MGA YP Award
The MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award is designed to recognize those substantive projects or achievements of a relatively short nature (one to three years) but which have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of IEEE Young Professionals operations. The IEEE Region 8 Today Team…
Exoskeleton developed by Greek Students helps people with disabilities
Hermes Team consisted of IEEE Greek Student Members shares the message of innovation and dedication developing a powered exoskeleton for people with disabilities. IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professionals Congress (SYP) has the primary goal to enhance and foster the engineering sense and…
Ana Margarida Trigo Shares Her Inspiration in Being An Engineer
“Engineering was presented to me as the most awesome thing ever, so how could I not choose to be an engineer?” – Ana Margarida Trigo In “The Guardian” article “How changing attitudes are closing the gender gap in engineering” it is described that “Engineering is…
What is the Voluntary Contribution Fund?
A Q&A session with Andreas Koltes, the IEEE R8 Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator “IEEE Region 8 IEEE is quite diverse in nature covering Europe, Africa and the Middle East. It is the fast growing IEEE Region. The average income in various R8 countries differs significantly….
Ana Cigarán Romero speaks at IEEE Region 8 Today and inspires us
The Chair of IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering , Ana Cigarán Romero shares inspiration and motivation about women and young girls to get closer with engineering and technology A woman, a mother, an engineer, an IEEE volunteer. It sounds like a variety of…
IEEE Educational Activities’ part in the forming of the future teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina lesson plans are now part of a University course thanks to Dušanka Bošković, an IEEE Region 8 member Teacher In Service Program (TISP) is a well known program of IEEE Educational Activities where lesson plans are demonstrated to educators all around the globe….