Disable to Possible : Understanding Special Needs through Technology by Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu
Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu is a senior member of IEEE and founder chair of Madras IEEE WIE Affinity group (2007 – 2014). She was Region10 WIE Coordinator for 2008-2010 and Chair, the IEEE WIE Committee for 2011 and 2012. She launched an exclusive project “Sangamam” for…
IEEE Future Innovations Summit. IEEE Tunisia Section celebrating a decade of great work
The article was submitted by Mariem Ayed With a decade of productivity and experience behind it, IEEE Tunisia section is well aware that “Changes call for innovation, and innovation leads to progress” . Now celebrating its 10th anniversary IEEE Tunisia section is willing to bring its…
IEEE UAE Section Iftar and Volunteer Recognition Award 2018
IEEE United Arab Emirates Section held its annual Ramadan Iftar gathering 2018 on Monday, June 4th, 2018. Dr. Essa Basaeed, IEEE UAE Section Chair has welcomed all attendees of both IEEE and WIE UAE sections. In addition, he has distributed the volunteer recognition award during the…