IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:
- IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Member Activities(two-year commitment)
- IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Student Activities(two-year commitment)
- IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Technical Activities(two-year commitment)
- IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Secretary(two-year commitment)
- IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Treasurer(two-year commitment)
Please note that the term of the Vice Chair positions is two years, as approved during the recent R8 Committee meeting in Warsaw, Poland and that they cannot be reelected for a second consecutive term. The Secretary and Treasurer positions are open for re-election.
The Region 8 N&A Subcommittee is also soliciting nominations for the members of the 2023-2024 IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Committee. Candidates must fulfill one of the following criteria at the time of their election (see the Region 8 Operations Manual, section R8-
- be a Section Chair in office
- have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years
- have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position of the R8 Committee.
Please submit nominations by filling up the IEEE R8 Nomination Form (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section: ; ).
Please make sure that the nominee is willing to serve if elected and that all sections of the Nomination form are filled up with the relevant information.
Please send the nomination forms to Magdalena Salazar Palma, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee (R8 N&A C), at , and to the R8 N&A Committee at , by July 31, 2022.
For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section: ), in particular the sections R8-3.1.5-7 in the Bylaws ( ), and the sections R8M-4.4 to R8M-4.6 ‘Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairs’ and R8M-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual ( ).