Discover the opportunities of IEEE Region 8 flagship Conferences
IEEE sponsors more than 1,900 annual conferences and events worldwide, curating cutting-edge content for all of the technical fields of interest within IEEE. Providing the right forum for authors and speakers to present their work at various annual conferences worldwide, IEEE continuously updates its database with opportunities to submit abstracts and papers. Following a paper-selection and a peer review process before they are published, IEEE produces cutting-edge conference publications in various technology areas that are recognized by academia and industry worldwide.
IEEE Region 8, covers a huge geographical area (Europe, Africa and Middle-East) and every year numerous conferences are welcomed in its Sections. However, IEEE Region 8 has 5 flagship conferences – EUROCON, MELECON, AFRICON, HISTELCON, ENERGYCON, covering a variety of IEEE related fields of interest.
EUROCON is a flagship event of the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) held every two years in a different country with participants from all over the world. EUROCON is a major international forum for the exchange of ideas, theory basics, design methodologies, techniques and experimental results between academia, research institutions and practitioners from industry. It has achieved a considerable success during the past 17 editions in all fields of electrical and electronic engineering, ICT and computer science covered by IEEE Societies.
MELECON is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies. MELECON is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 with participants from all over the world. The purpose of this conference is serve as catalyst for the technical exchange between researchers and practitioners from different technological fields including Control Systems, Communication and Information Technology, Mechatronics, Nano- & Micro-Electronics, Electrical Power Systems, and Signal & Image Processing. The technical program includes plenary sessions, regular technical sessions, special sessions, poster sessions and tutorials.
AFRICON is an IEEE Region 8 flagship conference on the African continent. Topics cover the full area of IEEE, e.g., Communications, Networks, Electronics, Energy, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Software, Engineering, Nanotechnology, and E-learning
HISTELCON aims to increase the understanding of the origins and of the early developments of electrical technologies – in particular of telecommunications. Original and innovative contributions are invited in areas including, but not restricted to:
- Origins and early developments of electro-technologies
- Milestones in different fields of electro-technology, both early and modern
- Scientists and Technologists involved in the above
- Museum items and educational methods illustrating the above
ENERGYCON is a flagship event of IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) held every two years in a different Country. ENERGYCON is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and innovative technologies on Sustainable Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Conversion and Utilization of Electrical Energy. It is also the premier IEEE Region 8 forum for the application of Electronics, Instrumentation, Information and Communication Technology in the Electrical Energy Industry.
Upcoming R8 Flagship Conferences
- MELECON 2020, 16-18 June 2020, Palermo, Italy
- ENERGYCON 2020, 13-16 April 2020, Gammarth, Tunisia
- EUROCON 2021, 6-8 July 2021, Lviv, Ukraine
- AFRICON 2021, 13-15 September 2021, Arusha, Tanzania