Exoskeleton developed by Greek Students helps people with disabilities
Hermes Team consisted of IEEE Greek Student Members shares the message of innovation and dedication developing a powered exoskeleton for people with disabilities. IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professionals Congress (SYP) has the primary goal to enhance and foster the engineering sense and…
Humans Show Racial Bias Towards Robots of Different Colors: Study
Do people display different racial biases towards black robots and white robots? A new study says yes The majority of robots are white. Do a Google image search for “robot” and see for yourself: The whiteness is overwhelming. There are some understandable reasons for this; for example, when…
Flying Dragon Robot Transforms Itself to Squeeze Through Gaps
DRAGON can change its shape to move through complex environments and even manipulate objects DRAGON is able to autonomously decide how to transform when given the constraints of the space it needs to pass through. There’s been a lot of recent focus on applications for…