Call for Proposals: IEEE HAC/SIGHT Projects Focused on Pressing Community Needs
The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) provides a suite of resources that inspire and enable IEEE volunteers around the world to carry out and support impactful humanitarian technology and sustainable development activities at the local level. One mechanism for this is the funding and support of such projects….
IEEE HAC/SIGHT Funding Opportunities
With a focus on projects that utilize technology to address the COVID-19 situation IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC)/IEEE SIGHT have announced the first funding opportunity of 2021! The Call for Proposals is being offered to support IEEE member grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects…
IEEE HAC and SIGHT are once again soliciting IEEE member proposals against COVID-19
31.5% of the already funded projects, are focused on IEEE Region 8 Earlier this year HAC created a joint call with IEEE SIGHT Projects to support grassroots humanitarian technology and sustainable development projects that addressed the COVID-19 situation by IEEE members in their local communities….
23 IEEE HAC/SIGHT COVID-19 Projects Focused in IEEE Region 8
61 projects worldwide to receive funding already, while IEEE Philadelphia Section invest in Rwanda The HAC/SIGHT initiative of IEEE with projects focusing on the fight against COVID-19 was highly welcomed by the IEEE members, with 61 projects worldwide to receive funding already. 23 projects of…
10 More IEEE HAC/SIGHT COVID-19 Projects got Funded in Region 8
IEEE Region 8 now counts 16 funded projects to fight COVID-19 all from the African continent Immediate changes have been made to our life since COVID-19 was officially announced as an epidemic. Adaptations of distance working and education, increase of technology usage to simplify our…
IEEE Region 8 members engage the HAC/SIGHT initiative for COVID-19 Projects
The African continent shows the way with 6 projects already to be funded It hasn’t been long ago that here in IEEE Region 8 Today we shared with you that IEEE HAC and IEEE SIGHT, two of IEEE’s humanitarian programs joined forces prioritizing proposals that…
IEEE HAC and SIGHT Projects Join Forces against COVID-19
IEEE is committed to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. This is not limited to research or standards development only. IEEE shows its humanitarian and philanthropic side through various specified programs, focusing on solving real-life problems and offering to the community through its resources…