Prof Khalid AL Nabulsi has organized with the IEEE student branch at King Abdulaziz university a visit to Advanced electronic company in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The main purpose of this visit is to make students take a deep good look about level of electronics communications devices manufacturing and to match between what they have learned and what do they see in working field.
Advanced Electronics Company (AEC) has been established in 1988 under the directives of the government of Saudi Arabia. AEC is specialized in advanced electronics research and manufacturing for defense and communication among others.
The visiting group consisted of thirty students from different electrical engineering specializations and professor Dr Khalid Al Nabulsi.
The trip was organized by Prof Khalid Alnabulsi and IEEE Student member Rabea alafghani.
Initially the students started the visit by meeting the CEO, HR manager and the manager engineer of (AEC).
The CEO has started introducing them to workers of the company and the purpose of the visit. After that, the CEO has presented the history of the company and the establishing team and the current team are in charge to manage such a huge company nowadays.
Moreover, he talked about the company departments, and how each device pass through a stage that accomplish a task. After that, he showed statistics about number of employees, workers, how many devices produced per day, number of machines involved in to produce a full complete device and moreover.
Finally, he gave tips and recommendations of what might be needed in the future of different knowledge and certificates that extremely prepare the students to such a work environment.
After a short break, a tour in the company has started leaded by the manager engineer. They had a look on the oldest devices that started to be manufactured at 1988.
The tour has started from the basics of manufacturing; reaching to a complete device that is ready to be used. The students have seen the boards and how they do the dividing and crossing line on them using fully-automated machines programmed by the company itself.
After that they walked into different stages, each stage has its own chamber and engineers monitoring the processing operation and fix any issue that may occur.
The tour last for about 2 hours in almost all company manufacturing chambers.
Finally, the students thanked their professor and the IEEE student branch for organizing this visit in order to give them an idea about what is the work life after graduation.