In this article, we’ve had the opportunity to speak with Peter Nagy (Hungary), the volunteer lead for the IEEE National Society Agreements Program. The interview was conducted by Marc Beebe, Senior Director of Strategic Research, Public Imperatives, & Corporate Development at IEEE Corporate Activities.

Peter, what is the IEEE NSA, National Society Agreements Program?

The IEEE is dedicated to collaborating with National Societies worldwide. The National Society Agreements (NSA) Program establishes cooperative relationships between local IEEE Sections (or Geographic Councils) and Country National Societies. These relationships are formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding, fostering collaboration and joint initiatives. The agreement is signed by an appropriate executive from the National Society, the IEEE Section/Council Chair, and the IEEE President after thorough discussions and mutual agreement.

Why is it beneficial for IEEE Sections and IEEE Geographic Councils?

Entering an NSA fosters contacts, cooperation, and joint activities between both organizations. This collaboration enhances the personal and professional lives of their members, supports the country’s engineers and scientists in various fields of interest, and contributes to the development and elevation of technical skills, personal image, professional growth, and networking opportunities.

What are the benefits for National Society members if they join IEEE?

National Society members can access IEEE benefits at a discounted price, including opportunities to join a community of over 450,000 technology and engineering professionals. Other benefits include access to resources for staying updated on technological advancements, networking opportunities, and involvement in mentoring the next generation of engineers and technologists.

How is the official relationship established? Is there a template Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)?

Establishing an agreement involves initial contact with the local IEEE Section, followed by further arrangements through IEEE Corporate Activities. The process includes signing the basic NSA by both the IEEE Section and the National Society, along with defining three cooperative activities in a supplemental document for the first year. Similar activities are planned for subsequent years.

What are the typical joint activities?

Joint activities under the NSA commonly include technical and social meetings, conferences, distinguished lecturer programs, awards, seminars, tutorials, young professional and women in engineering events, and publication exchanges.

Do you have a website or further information about existing cooperation?

Certainly! You can find more information at IEEE Corporate Agreements at For inquiries, contact IEEE Corporate Activities at


Marc Beebe, CAE
Senior Director, Strategic Research, Public Imperatives, & Corporate Development

IEEE Corporate Activities